Experiencing trouble sleeping is a common issue, with 75% of people facing sleep problems and only 40% getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night. In an age where productivity is paramount, lack of sleep is the last thing we need. Studies reveal that even an hour less of sleep can significantly impact concentration and awareness.

5. No Texting and Dreaming

Before bedtime, pledge to put away your phone. The light from your cell phone disrupts melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. It’s best to avoid any electronics at least an hour before sleep.

4. Pull out the bubbly

A relaxing bath before bed isn’t just cozy; it’s scientifically beneficial. Baths help in falling asleep faster and improving sleep quality. They mimic the natural temperature drop your body experiences before sleep, aiding in the transition to slumber.

3. Put on the red light

Using red spectrum bulbs in the bedroom can create a relaxing atmosphere, simulating sunset and keeping your body’s internal clock in check. Avoid flicking on bright lights before bed as they can disrupt your sleep preparation.

2. Stop indoor pollution

Noise pollution can severely impact sleep quality. Using nature sounds or white noise machines helps drown out external noise and prevent sleep disruptions.

1. Don’t forget the little guys

Comfort is crucial for good sleep, and this includes taking care of your feet. They play a significant role in regulating body temperature, which is vital for uninterrupted sleep. Adjusting your socks and blankets according to your body temperature needs can greatly improve sleep comfort.

Sleep hacks might seem simple, but they can drastically improve sleep quality. Before resorting to medication, try these sleep routine hacks and experience the difference in your sleep quality.

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